How to Donate Online

You may donate using any of the methods below:

Benefits of Donating Online:

It’s a matter of preference, but below are some benefits to consider: 

Click the DONATE Button below to securely donate online using a Credit / Debit Card. 

Zeffy Donations (Preferred)

Online Donations can be made by clicking "Donate" below without a PayPal Account.
You can set up a recurring monthly donation or make a one time donation. Online donation payments accepted are Credit Card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and ACH Bank Transfer.

PayPal Donations

Small Fee Assessed by PayPal (2.2% + $0.30)

Payments through Checking Account

*Requires Zelle Service through your Bank


1) Login to your bank institution online

2) Inside of Online Banking, click on Payments

3) Click on Send Money with Zelle

4) Create a new contact (St. Mary of Egypt & St. Timothy Coptic Orthodox Church) | Use email address: 

5)  Select my contact as the recipient to send payment once It has been added

6) Enter the amount you would like to donate

7) If you would like to recreate a recurring donation:

8) Click Send to initiate the donation

To Donate by Mail:

Kindly make donations payable to:

St. Mary of Egypt & St. Timothy Coptic Orthodox Church

Mailing Address:            

St. Mary of Egypt & St. Timothy Coptic Orthodox Church

P.O. Box 965 

Hightstown, NJ 08520